05 mars 2024, de 12h30 à 16h30 ajouter à votre agenda
33 jeunes filles attendues (collégiennes et lycéennes)
The girls will arrive around 12:30 PM. Here, they will be welcomed by Prototype Manager Anja Marechal and HR Generalist Joni Jaeken.
Subsequently, the group will be divided. One group will accompany Anja for a plant tour, while the remaining students will watch videos featuring female engineers who cannot be present on-site. After half an hour, the groups will switch. A break will be provided, followed by a speed-dating round. The students will be paired with an engineer, and they will have 10 minutes to ask questions and listen to the academic journey/work experiences of the engineer. We will have approximately 5 to 7 engineers participating in this speed-dating session. Afterward, we will express our gratitude for their attendance.
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