07 mars 2024, de 7h30 à 14h30 ajouter à votre agenda
Taubaté - São Paulo
12 jeunes filles attendues (étudiantes et lycéennes)
The HR team of PO IES Taubaté invited 12 women students from EEL-USP university, which is one of the best public university in South America.
On March, 07th, these 12 engineering students will come to PO to challenge themselves in professional and industrial environment.
A plant tour is planned at the beginning of the day, after this, each one will be in direct contact with some area they'd already chosen, experiencing the routine and tasks of the team.
After a quick lunch, we will organize a round table with ex-trainees (from the same university), to share their testimonials about their achievements in the industry and their career at PO.
At the end, the HR director will talk with the girls about the women challenges, including themes as career, personal life and self-development
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